America, it’s time to once again have a dream

The nation that once was known for its freedom, humanity and equality is now facing a different time. A time where a possible future president wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, where there will be an entry prohibition for all muslims and where 11 million illegal immigrants shall be banned from the country. Donald Trump, the business man from Queens that people have been laughing at is now one of the top names within the Republican party. If Donald Trump wins, the American dream of freedom will be forever gone. If America chooses to vote for someone that wants to build a massive wall towards Mexico, with Mexico paying the bill for it, with a leader who claims that Islam is vicious and that Obama secretly has let criminals, rapists and drug dealers from Latin America find a sanctuary in the United States, the country will no longer be what it once was. Since the civil rights movement during the 1960’s America has been a role model in their fight towards racism, poverty and inequality, looking at todays America it’s hard to believe.

Wilfredo Naveiro, an American economist choose 2014 to leave his country.
– The United States has lost its site of balance between work and life. We lost our humanity a bit in the name of money. It’s scary to see that Donald Trump, a hardcore capitalist, actually has the possibility to win the elections. Mr Naveiro left the United States for Europe to seek a different lifestyle where people had a sense of a work-life balance. A place where people seek to work to live, to get by. He describes that his country has gone from a democratic, openminded place to a country with a completely capitalistic point of view.
-I wanted to find a place where I could be myself rather than an imagine your workplace chooses for you. I wanted to live in a conscious society where money is not all we’re striving for.

The political scientist Robert D Putnam, professor at the John F Kennedy School of Government, explains the crisis of the American dream. To climb the social ladder is no longer possible unless you know the right people, your background and who you know have a crucial importance. White American men without any university degree have a decreased income of 21 % since 1979-2013. The prematurely mortality for white men between 45-54 have increased with half a procent annually since 1999. New Yorker says that more than half of the white American population feel that the white population has replaced the black as the primary victim for discrimination. Robert D Putnam goes deeper with this theory in his book ”Our kids” where he describes the growing class segregation. The children of the working class are lonely, isolated and without trust for the politicians. Putnam says: ”The growing political isolation within the American youth pose a threat to the democratically stability.” He even compares the situation in America with the situation in Europe after the first world war where America is facing a big part of their population feeling left out, with a social alien status with a new form of apartheid blossoming out.

In a couple of months we will see which path America will choose, if the crisis of the American dream will transfer America into a country with closed borders, only open for white christians. Wilfredo Naveiro will vote for Bernie Sanders, he expresses a fatigue with the American politics, how it the latest 20 years has been run by the same families.
-We’re doing things the wrong way, we keep going with the status quo, we need to go for an independent voice. Someone that has been in politics but not in the corrupt world. I want someone that is the voice of America, that sees the people, that would take the interest of the people more seriously and not from a rich, privileged class that earns money on the back of the poor people.

The 8th of November the new president of America will be declared, until then, let’s keep on fighting for freedom, humanity and equality!


Wilfredo Naveiro

Our Kids, Robert D Putnam, published by Simon & Schuster 2015.


4 thoughts on “America, it’s time to once again have a dream

  1. Profilbild på Emmy RommedahlEmmy Rommedahl Författare

    Jaaa, Sa kanske man kan se det. tanker att USA igen ar i en tid dar man skulle behova en ledare som bidrar till en storre solidarisk forandring. Dar manniskor borjar se varandra med mer empati och jamlikhet. Tror USA skulle behova en Martin Luther King igen,..

  2. Profilbild på Tanja NannarelliTanja Nannarelli

    Verkligen bra skrivet där du ringar in Trump fenomenet, eventuella konsekvenser för ifall han skulle ”råka” vinna….(jag är inte troende men då jag bor i Italien ska jag gå in i närmsta kyrka och tända några ljus för ifall ”Han/Hon skulle finnas och eventuellt lyssna!!!) och samt förklaringen till fenomenet som är viktgt för att förstå i vilket sammanhang och kontext Trump verkar i, i ett välskrivet och lätttillgängligt språk i rätt mängd text som kan nå en stor mängd läsare:) Är helt övertygad om att inte enbart USA behöver en Martin Luther King igen, Europa väntar fortfarande på en…

  3. Profilbild på Emma IEmma I

    USA – vilket land alltså! Det framstår som så absurt tycker jag – att ett land där ”den amerikanska drömmen” lever samtidigt har så många som röstar på en politik som omöjliggör social mobilisering för så många. Förutom för den politiska eliten då kanske…

    Jätteintressant att ta del av dina, Naveiro och Putnams tankar om utvecklingen i USA genom din text. Det ska verkligen bli intressant att följa utvecklingen inför valet i november.

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